Life...That's just it. It's happening all around me and it fascinates me. Life can and does beat the shit out of me but surviving that is what life is about. And this blog is about me, someone who doesn't fit any stereotype or label. There are alot of labels I posess Pakistani, Muslim, Young, Gay, Student but I don't want to fit in some pre-conceived notion of those labels. I maintain my individuality and this blog is the affirmation of my uniqueness.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


"I am hating my hair right now, but I don't know what to do with them so I leave it up to you to do whatever you think will look the best."

Who would have thought that this sentence uttered to a hairstylist would have the effect of me ending with a wild, just-don't-give-a-fuck, spiky hairdo?(!)

Now it's not like I don't dig unconventional haitstyles, it's just that the hard, spiky look doesn't suit me that much. So now I'm the crazy rebel with the spikes. Yes, I know that spikes are so common know that they really don't have any rebel quality but WHATEVER. I'm actually kinda exhilirated about this unexpected turn of event as I've never had a grunge or punkish look. I'm flaunting it and workin' it! And the hair color from my previous hair styling fiasco remains at the very top of the spikes adding more style. Today I got that extra dry, hard gel so it seems like my hair is plastic.

Anyway I would never get this kind of hairdo again eventhough I'm enjoying it while I've been accidently (forcefully?) 'punked'. I love the softness of my hair and I love their texture. One cousin of mine always loved to feel my hair, she used to say, "It feels like touching fur."

But the tragedy is that EVERY MALE in my family suffers from male-patterned baldness (Androgenic Alopecia). Yes that means that they get bald and some start losing hair in their twenties (feigning aheart-attack!); so I'm going to be one of those cool (I need some consolation) bald twenty-something gay guys in a few years. But I pray to Allah that it doesn't happen; let me escape the family curse!