Life...That's just it. It's happening all around me and it fascinates me. Life can and does beat the shit out of me but surviving that is what life is about. And this blog is about me, someone who doesn't fit any stereotype or label. There are alot of labels I posess Pakistani, Muslim, Young, Gay, Student but I don't want to fit in some pre-conceived notion of those labels. I maintain my individuality and this blog is the affirmation of my uniqueness.

Friday, February 04, 2005


Since I have no life whatsoever I spend lots of time either pitying myself and feeling completely wasted or talking to my family. I've spent a lot of years having a lot of long long conversations with my family and call me crazy but I sorta wish that I fucking experience a life in which I don't have to do EVERYTHING with my family. Aaargh! Its all my fault. I am forced to live like this due to the mess I made of my life and now I'm destined to waste away my sexy years just like this with no friends and no life.

Anyway over another usual gab session in which my parents run to each other's throats and my sister starts whining and I act all rude, we stumbled on an unexpected truth. Now don't get me wrong our family conversations are pretty friendly but sometimes those above mentioned things also happen. Hey, why am I explaining myself? So, I was writing about the surprising truth: while talking about looove and marriage I told my sister that the best reason to get married was to be in love. She then suddenly had this break down and told us that she liked this guy who's a family friend of ours. She said that she thought about him all the time and that she wants to marry him. We were all pretty caught off guard and didn't know how to react but then eventually we were all like, "It's all right honey, it happens. Its a phase you'll get out of it. Its ok." My mom said that this is normal and she shouldn't take it too serious, its just a crush. My sister was like, "I don't know why I feel this way!" and she was crying. I said something like, "I understand sometimes you can't plan such stuff it just happens." and this must be the most heart-felt sentence I have ever told my sister.