Life...That's just it. It's happening all around me and it fascinates me. Life can and does beat the shit out of me but surviving that is what life is about. And this blog is about me, someone who doesn't fit any stereotype or label. There are alot of labels I posess Pakistani, Muslim, Young, Gay, Student but I don't want to fit in some pre-conceived notion of those labels. I maintain my individuality and this blog is the affirmation of my uniqueness.

Friday, March 04, 2005


I occasionally manage to carry my lazy ass to the gym. It happens on a day when I'm in a heady let's-turn-my-life-around state of mind--it never lasts! The problem with me is that either I don't exercise or study at all or I get excited and overdo it so much that I can't maintain the new level of work and slump back to an idle, guilt-ridden existence.

Yesterday I went to the gym and really worked my ass out. I kept up the work-out for a freaking two and a half hours! The endorphins didn't make me realize that I was dead tired but boy, did the lactic acid accumulated in my muscles bother me today!

Now I'm sure I won't hit the gym for at least a week. That's me!