Ahhhh...Food! Is there any pleasure as good as food? Well, sex might be better but it has too many strings attached to it but the precious chow is such an easily accessible pleasure. Pakistanis seem to have an extra strong hankering for food as every time anyone thinks of entertainment, the first thought that comes to mind is FOOD! I mean either we have no other source of entertainment or we are just hopeless food junkies. So it's always the same routine, someone says, "Let's do something," and the answer comes, "Let's dine out!" That pretty much sums up the Paki entertainment scene and man, are there restaurants to cater for our needs!! Hundreds of restaurants catering to all taste buds and financial budgets.
Oh yea, Weddings! Paki weddings are so fab. I love our weddings if nothing else. They're soooooo colorful and lively. Full of music, dances and wonderful clothes.
I adore the mehndi night; its the best.
And there is always great food and lots of eye candy for me to fantasize getting naked with. But it's so hard to stare at anyone, I just wish I could be invisible so I could stare at all the luscious piece of hunks in the wedding ceremonies. Weddings are always good for a nice hard-on if nothing else.

BonYes, I had another self-indulgent night out yesterday where I stuffed myself like I was going to starve the next few months. And boy was it worth it. I swear, there's nothing like a painfully bloated stomach. Dining out may be common but it never loses its appeal as everyone has to wear the best clothes and groom themselves well for the gastronomical indulgence. Hmmm...It seems women get as dressed up as if they were going to a wedding.
Oh yea, Weddings! Paki weddings are so fab. I love our weddings if nothing else. They're soooooo colorful and lively. Full of music, dances and wonderful clothes.

I adore the mehndi night; its the best.

And there is always great food and lots of eye candy for me to fantasize getting naked with. But it's so hard to stare at anyone, I just wish I could be invisible so I could stare at all the luscious piece of hunks in the wedding ceremonies. Weddings are always good for a nice hard-on if nothing else.
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